24 January 2010

Early Morning

4:30 a.m.
Baby cries.
Baby eats.
Daddy changes baby's diaper.
Baby eats again.
Mommy changes baby's diaper.

** Spit up everywhere **

5:45 a.m.
Mommy showers.
Baby cries.
Daddy consoles.
Baby stares at the mobile and coos.
Mom can't sleep, so she puts a load of laundry in the washing machine.
Baby cries.
Baby eats.

7:00 a.m.

Baby sleeps.

Now, if only church started earlier here, we would be right on schedule. We're fortunate that this is NOT our typical morning, because we're the type of people who need our sleep. Overall, Oliver is a good sleeper and eater, so we are very grateful.

I'm off to make myself some breakfast while the boys sleep.

1 comment:

Rachmiel said...

These are the things to remember and remind Oliver about when he's 16 and wants to get a tattoo of Lady Gaga on his butt.