21 January 2006

Mapping my path to work...

I've learned that I really enjoy riding my bike to work, especially in this gorgeous weather! Yesterday, it was 57 degrees at one point, and today is beautiful also. It's got to be in the 50's again. I didn't think the weather in Boston was supposed to be like this in January. Everyone tells me that this isn't normal at all, but I'll take it as it comes.

I'm going to get better with this *commuting stuff. Most people who ride their bike to work aren't riding their mountain bikes, because those bikes are the most prone to being stolen. Thankfully, I can park my bike inside with me, though. I'll post a few photos from my rides to work soon. I've kind of reworked my bike, so it's a little more commuter friendly. I put platforms on the clipless pedals, and I'm adding lights. The next thing to work on may be not dragging this hot and heavy backpack and lock with me when I run short errands.

According to Google, I live approximately 2.8 miles away from work. (I do actually take a shortcut or two, so it may be closer to 2.5 miles.) But, I think it actually takes me less time to ride than it does to drive. I made it in 20 minutes today, and I didn't even have to hassle with parking the car. There are several hills that I have to ride up on the way to work, so the ride home takes even less time. (And it's a lot of fun!) Just imagine, if I keep doing this, I could be in excellent shape.
*These are a couple of interesting sites about bicycle commuting if you're interested.

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